The working area of APC not only covers traditional engineering and consulting but also research in various sectors. See project examples here:


    • Reactor Safety Research project (Determination of the release rates of radioactive matter from the pool surfaces of contaminated boiling waters depending on the various physical boundary conditions like surface area, decay heat source, boiling regime, ambient pressure).
    • German Reactor Safety Study Pressurized Water Reactors (Contribution to the study with several investigations on special topics and physical problems).
    • Biomass fuel research (Investigation of the properties of rice husk and other selected biomass materials with respect to a problem-free combustion, adequate technologies for using these materials as fuel in combustion chambers. Investigation of how to practically realize a full combustion resulting in an ash without any remaining carbon).
    • German Reactor Safety Study Pressurized Water Reactors (Contribution to the study with several investigations on special topics and physical problems).
    • Preparation of a SWR core melt experiment to investigate and simulate the penetration of molten fuel element mass into the reactor pressure vessel of
      the lower plenum.
    • Latin American research project (Investigation of the contribution of measuring, standardisation and quality assurance –QA -systems to the economic development of countries. The research and investigation was supported from the Federal Ministry of Technical Co-Operation).