APC is active in nuclear technology and carries out engineering development work as well as safety analyses. The area of tasks covers criticality safety calculations for traditional and advanced MOX fuel elements, analyses of severe accidents in LWRs, core melting included, safety technology of storage of fuel elements, radiation protections technologies and other nuclear issues. Project examples see here:


  • Reactor fuel element transportation safety, fuel element factory in Germany (Criticality safety calculations for regular situations and accident conditions, for various types of Uranium and Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel elements for PWRs corresponding to IAEA regulations, transportation and licensing engineering).
  • Nuclear Power Plant Rheinsberg, North-Eastern Germany (Engineering and licensing work: basic and detailed engineering for relevant components / equipment needed for the dismantling and decommissioning of the reactor).
  • Analysis of severe fuel damage reactor accidents in PWRs and BWRs, core melting, e-p0007690radioactivwastewater-treatmentplant_nuclearmetal water reaction, release of radioactive fission materials.
  • Nuclear fuel material handling and storage facility for fresh PWR and BWR fuel elements of a fuel element factory in Germany (Engineering, design, lay-out and planning of the criticality detection and alarming system, Monte Carlo computer simulation calculations, case studies, licensing engineering).
  • Radiation protection and staff control system for the Dynamitron accelerator of ISP, Uni
    versity of Stuttgart (Engineering, lay-out of neutron and gamma detection and metering, tendering, comparison / evaluation of quotations, support for contracting, licensing procedure, coordination on site and supervision of the realisation of the project, final testing and control).